Though my AM car radio is rather sick, I have noted a substantial number of
TISs in Maryland. Our publicity-hound governor is great on such things,
and on dynamic signboards ... especially in his "Reach the Beach" program in
the summer. Unfortunately the information they contain seems nearly useless.
The TIS here on I-270 is updated WEEKLY and tells you to call the AAA for more
info!! The TISs I heard on the Eastern Shore on a weekend also had stale info.
There is a "dymanic signboard" on US-50 between DC and Annapolis each summer.
All but one of the times I have passed it (nearly every Saturday), it has
given a toll-free number to phone, and no other info.
I don't think the TISs give callletters.
Bob, W3OTC
Date: 17 Dec 89 19:50:55 GMT
From: portal!! (R A Lingelbach)
Subject: Modifiying radios for out of band operation (was Re: ARRL)
Message-ID: <>
>I have modified my radios to work out-of-band because they make
>super-fantastic pieces of test equipment, both as receivers and as
>signal sources. I don't jam with them. What I **DO** do with them is
>work hard at trying to advance the state of the art of radio communication.
>I really don't understand the little-old-grannies on this network who
>worry about what someone else might do with a modified radio. One gets
>the impression that these frightened little rabbits are so fearful that
>they hardly dare get on the air themselves! To justify their fears,
>they conjure up nightmare visions of "converted free-banders", "deaths
>from interference", and things that go bump in the night. Is it that
>they fear that others will show the same dearth of self-control that they
I can't help but believe this discussion must eventually lead to optimism
vs. pessimism, positivism vs. negativism, or good cheer vs. anger....
I tend to think of hams as generally optimistic, in that they are in
favor of communication as a means for shrinking the Earth and overcoming
political boundaries. Count me as an optimist, in agreement with Brian
Kantor's opinion above.
UUCP: sun!portal!!roblingelbach
COMPUSERVE: 71101,176
Rob Lingelbach (213) 464-6266 (voice)
2641 Rinconia Dr 464-0827 (data)
Los Angeles, CA 90068
Date: 18 Dec 89 13:30:43 GMT
From: crash! (Paula Ferris)
Subject: NASA Audio Retransmissions
Message-ID: <>
I'm an SWL (And stupid critisims may directed here to /dev/null cause I'll kill it anyway)...Anyway, I was wondering if anyone in the San Diego county, or anywhere else know if there will be any NASA Audio carried in SD County, and if so,
I'd like times planned and frequencies to be used. I don't have much luck picking up anything other than NASA Broacasts from the Edwards Facility if I'm in that area durring a landing.
(For those of you bent of flaming an SWL, Stop and think, listening in on NASA would make you an SWL, *GASP* Since your not transmitting. For the rest of you
who are decent and open minded individuals, thank you for your time for reading this message, and thank you in advance